Oh and if I left anyone out in the "Blogs I Visit" section, let me know. (the little + in the corner)
Posted by PianoTamer |
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Exceptional, especially that upper-right dropdown menu. Where did you find this?
Wow you were fast! I just uploaded this!
I got this at blogger-templates.blogspot.com. I only had to look at the first one to see which one I liked!
Sweet Josh, this totally rOcKs! Don't forget to edit it.
You forgot me! joshuapohl.blogspot.com
Hey josh I figured out how to change the + button in the corner. If I were you I would change it to "menu" or Click for side menu" or something like that because its not very noticeable.
Okay I changed a few things. How bout now?
Nice site!
[url=http://nuyarcae.com/bvxk/uwgc.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://rqdpitfq.com/gyln/jexb.html]Cool site[/url]
Well done!
My homepage | Please visit
Thank you!
[url=http://jrioaqou.com/riah/rsna.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://wjlrgidj.com/esxy/vavl.html]Cool site[/url]
Great work!
My homepage | Please visit
Thank you!
http://jrioaqou.com/riah/rsna.html | http://gbwwqnwc.com/kgwd/wxaz.html
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